Clinical analysis of 84 cases of children anaphylactoid purpura 儿童过敏性紫癜84例临床分析
Study on allergens in patients with anaphylactoid purpura by bioresonance 过敏性紫癜过敏原的生物共振技术研究
Clinical efficacy analysis of multiglycosidorum tripterygii in anaphylactoid purpura nephritis 雷公藤多苷联合甘利欣治疗过敏性紫癜性肾炎临床观察
Clinical observation on the therapeutic effect of danshao granule on 36 cases of anaphylactoid purpura nephritis in children 丹芍颗粒治疗小儿过敏性紫癜肾炎36例临床疗效观察
Clinical observation on 60 cases of anaphylactoid purpura in children with the therapy of clearing away heat and activating blood circulation 清热活血法治疗小儿过敏性紫癜60例临床观察
anaphylactoid purpuraとは意味:アナフィラキシー性紫斑病{せい しはん びょう} anaphylactoid purpura meaning:[Medicine] A form of nonthrombocytopenic purpura due to a hypersensitivity vasculitis associated with a variety of clinical symptoms including urticaria and erythema,arthropathy and arthritis,gastroin...anaphylactoid purpura перевод:1) анафилактоидная пурпура, аллергическая пурпура 2) геморрагический васкулит, геморрагическая пурпура Геноха, капилляротоксикоз, анафилактическая пурпура, болезнь Шенлейна - Геноха